The design vehicle is the least maneuverable vehicle expected to regularly use the intersection it informs what vehicular operations need to be accommodated regularly in the geometric design of the intersection.

Selecting design and control vehicles smaller than appropriate also compromises the safety of people biking and walking, as large vehicles may be required to frequently mount the curb to complete a turn. When a street is designed to accommodate design and control vehicles larger than typically necessary, the safety of people walking, biking, and driving is negatively impacted by intersections that promote higher turning speeds and longer crossing distances. Selection of an appropriately sized vehicle is a critical aspect of achieving streets that prioritize safety for the most vulnerable users of the roadway. In the design process, the design and control vehicles are important determinants for curb-return radii. 3.6D Traffic calming and speed management.3.4J Neighborhood greenways: bicycle boulevards.3.4I Neighborhood greenways: full greenways.3.4F Sidewalk-level protected bike lanes.3.4E In-street curb-protected bike lanes.3.3H Bicycle and micro mobility parking.1.3 Relationship to Other Standards & Guidance.